(786) 723-8520 [email protected]

We get thank you from our studio parents and students daily. Not often we get thank you from non-students. We try to convey to our community, parents, students – that Kirova Academy is more than just a place to learn to dance. We truly support every dancers dream to be better, stronger, to succeed – even if they are not KBA students.

From Anonymous (because some studios, unfortunately, are all about themselves…)

I would just like to inform you that I got into the master ballet academy summer intensive and I’m beyond thrilled!

I would like to thank both you and Janna for setting up the privates and helping me out with my variation and also my turns. You can let Janna know that I continue to think about her corrections in class.

This wouldn’t have been possible without your generosity of opening the school to me and letting me work on my audition there. I really appreciate all you have done for me allowing me to gain this opportunity!

Keep dancing