(786) 723-8520 [email protected]


Show Times – Pick-up and Drop-off

Please stay in an orderly line, wait your turn and be patient When waiting to check-in and check-out your dancer. Our volunteers have to ensure the safety of our 188 dancers in the show. Yelling and complaining only makes it harder for the volunteers to do their job, slowing the whole process down. This is for the safety of your children, not your convenience.

  • ONLY PARENTS who are signed up to volunteer will be allowed backstage – NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • DO NOT BE LATE! The check-in times are the LATEST you are to have your dancer in the theater and in the check-in line. Dancers who arrive later than their check-in may be dismissed from the production.
  • 1:00 PM Show
    • 11:30 AM – Volunteers
    • 12:00 PM – Dancers Primary II, Primary III, Level I, Level II-B, Level II-A, Level III, Hip-hop & Jazz
    • 12:30 PM – Dancers Primary & Primary I
  • 4:30 PM Show
    • 3:15 AM – Volunteers
    • 3:30 PM – Dancers Primary II, Primary III, Level I, Level II-B, Level II-A, Level III, Hip-hop & Jazz re-check-in if they left the theater
    • 4:00 PM – Dancers Primary & Primary I
  • Check-in & Check-out
    • You MUST sign you dancer in upon arrival
    • You MUST sign-out your dancer after the show. Dancers will not be released to parents until they are signed out NO EXCEPTIONS.
    • Only KBA voluteers are allowed backstage to bring dancers out to their parents. NO GOING BACKSTAGE TO GET YOUR DANCERS BY YOURSELF.
    • Primary and Primary I dancers in the first show will be released AFTER the first show is complete
    • All other dancers will be released AFTER the second show is complete
    • DO NOT try and pick up your child before the show ends, they will not be released until after the show is over and you will not be allowed backstage.
  • The show is approximately 2 hours. Be prompt when picking up your child after the show. IT IS BETTER FOR YOU TO WAIT ON YOUR CHILD THAN FOR YOUR CHILD AND VOLUNTEERS TO WAIT ON YOU.
  • If there are any emergencies that will result in your dancer being late on the day of the performance, please call Janna’s cell phone 321-508-4375. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY!!! Do not call the studio, as nobody will be there to take your call.

What Dancers Need to Bring, Costumes, Make-up and other information

  • All costumes and accessories, shoes, tights, extra tights, etc… Refer to the dancer bag list for details. EVERYTHING must be labeled with your child’s name. KBA is NOT RESPONSIBLE for missing personal items. Complete information is available online at: https://www.kirovadance.com/about-the-company/2012-showcase-information/dancer-bag/
  • Dancers are to arrive in leotard and tights with hair neatly in a bun and any necessary make-up ready to rehearse. DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILD WITHOUT BEING DRESSED AND HAIR DONE. VOLUNTEERS WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO DRESS YOUR CHILD OR DO THEIR HAIR. THEY HAVE OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES.
    • Dancers in Primary, Primary I, Primary II and Primary III must arrive in costume
    • Dancers in Primary, Primary I, Primary II and Primary III may wear face powder, light blush, light mascara and a light matte lipstick.
    • Absolutely NO GLITTER, DARK MAKE-UP, BRIGHT LIPSTICK, EYE-SHADOW, EYE-LINER, etc… young dancers are naturally beautiful and do not need heavy make-up
    • Make-up that is not permitted will be taken off your dancer upon arrival.
  • Absolutely no fingernail polish. If your dancer arrives with fingernail polish on, they will have to remove it.
  • Absolutely no jewelry may be worn during the performance. It is best to not wear any jewelry to the performance or have a parent keep if for the dancer during the show. Remember KBA is not responsible for any missing personal belongings.
  • Full make up as directied by Janna for all other dancers (except boys).
  • Please make sure that your dancers wears cover-ups over their leotards, tights and t-shirts when coming and leaving the theater
  • ABSOLUTELY NO CAMERAS OR PICTURES taken backstage or in the dressing rooms. If anybody is caught taking pictures backstage with any device, phones included, it will be confiscated and returned to you after the show.

Before and Between Shows

  • NO FOOD is allowed in the dressing rooms.
  • Make sure your dancer has been fed before the shows.
  • Volunteers to help with dancers between shows for about 45 minutes
  • Food between shows
    • Dancers may bring a lunch in a thermal lunchbox with your child’s name on it. These will be kept in a separate room and given to your child between shows. There is seating outside where they may eat.
    • Bring your child some take-out food, there is a Publix Grocery and several restaurants down the street at Loehman’s Plaza
    • If you take your child to eat off theater grounds, pay close attention to the time as they MUST BE BACK AT THE THEATER by 3:30 PM