(786) 723-8520 [email protected]

Rehearsal Rules and Dancer Etiquette

  • All rehearsals are Mandatory. Failure to show or being late will result in your dancer being removed from the production.
  • You are responsible to check your email and the schedule daily online for any rehearsal changes and production updates.
  • Email is KBA’s primary communication. It is your responsibility to ensure you are receiving and reading all emails from KBA daily.
  • Be prepared, extra rehearsals may be called 2 weeks before the show. We will do our best to give you as much advanced notice as possible.
  • All tuition and any outstanding balances must be paid in full and up to date. Failure to pay will result in removal of student(s) from the production.
  • All rules in the handbook concerning behavior and conduct apply at all times. Failure to do so may result in immediate removal from the production.
  • Dancers must be on time for rehearsals. They are to arrive dressed and ready to rehearse at least 10 minutes before their scheduled rehearsal time. Ready to rehearse means, dressed, shoes on, ribbons and laces tided, hair neatly in a bun, bag neatly put away in dressing area, lined-up outside the rehearsal studio ready to be called in. Being tardy for rehearsals may result in removal from the production.

Theater Rules

These apply to dancers, parents and backstage volunteers alike.

  • Dancers must wear cover-ups over their leotards, tights and T-shirts when coming to and leaving the theater.
  • Respect all theater rules and instruction from the theater staff. Not following their instruction may result in being removed from the venue by the theater staff.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD IN THE DRESSING ROOMS. Any food that is being eaten or beverages being drank in the dressing room will immediately be taken from the dancer or volunteer. Eating and drinking is only permitted in designated areas and times.
  • During productions dancers MUST stay in their assigned area and follow all instructions from the volunteers and KBA staff. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES may any dancer be backstage to watch the performance. Only if a dancer is called to the stage will they be allowed backstage.
  • Dancers MUST stay in their dressing rooms. There will be no wandering or visiting other dressing rooms.
  • Dancers are not permited use or have in his/her possession a phone, smart phone, iPod, iPhone, iPad, camera, DVD player, video game, or an electronic device of any kind during the show. Each dressing room with have a box where these items will be safely stored during the production and returned to the dancer at the end of the show by a volunteer. It is best to leave these devices with a parent or at home.
  • Under no circumstances may dancers or volunteers take photos or videos backstage with any device (phones included). Anybody caught (grown-ups included) taking photos backstage will have their camera (phones included) confiscated by a KBA staff and returned at the end of the show NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Absolutely no watching the production from the backstage area. Only volunteers that are assigned to the backstage area are allowed for production purposes only.
  • No dancers are permitted to watch in the audience during a performance they are participating in.
  • KBA is not responsible for lost, damaged or missing property. Make sure all of your child’s belongings are labeled and leave any valuables at home or with a parent.
  • Dancers who are being disruptive, loud, not following rules, instruction, fighting, talking back, being rude or disrespectful of KBA staff or volunteers will be removed immediately from the production.

Costumes and Make-up Rules

  • Label your dancer’s shoes, every costume piece, tights, clothes, make-up, any possession, etc… with a permanent marker. For shoes and costumes label it where it will not show on the inside. The dressing rooms are small, dancers get caught up in the excitement of performing and things get misplaced. It is much easier for everyone to have EVERYTHING labeled to get it back to it’s owner with no confusion.
  • Dancers will be fitted and assigned a costume for each number by KBA’s costume mistress. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY DANCERS, STAFF, VOLUNTEERS, etc… switch costumes without permission of KBA’s costume mistress.
  • Dancers will keep costumes neat, clean and hung up. Any damage or issues with a costume must be reported to a the costume mistress, KBA staff or volunteer immediately for repairs.
  • All accessories will be handled with care and stored as directed by the KBA staff.
  • Make sure your dancer comes prepared with everything necessary in their dancer bag. Please refer to the dancer bag handout.
  • Dancers may not wear ANY jewelry that is not part of his/her costume during the show. It is best to have the dancer’s parent hold on to the jewelry or leave it at home.
  • Finger nail polish is not permitted for dancers. Please make sure to remove it BEFORE they arrive at the theater,
  • Dancers are to wear make-up as specified by the Artistic Directors. Absolutely NO GLITTER, BLUE EYE SHADOW, RED LIPSTICK. Any unauthorized make-up will be removed by KBA staff or volunteers.